Charlotte Green
Massage Therapist
Specialist Areas:
- Neurosomatic Integrated Approach to Massage
- Sports Specific Massage Treatment
- Pregnancy Massage
- Relaxation and Holistic Massage
Charlotte trained with one of the top 3 private massage schools in London, where she received a Diploma in Holistic Massage. More recently her training has taken her to America to study the work of Paul St. John with Neurosomatic Educators, in an advanced form of Neuromuscular Therapy. Here she completed both the Somatic and Neuro levels of the course.
Charlotte is regularly referred clients by Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Personal Trainers and other Health Professionals. Her treatments often play a valuable part in rehabilitation programmes that can include weekly or fortnightly massage appointments.
The type of clients referred to Charlotte range from Business Professionals, Housewives,Husbands, International, Squash Players, Tri-Athletes, Runners and Movie/Theatre Actors. Charlotte will not use their names for Promotional or Marketing purposes as she respects her clients far too much to do that.